Split PDF Function for Better Document Management

Convenient software that helps to split PDF files online or in the editor
Split PDF

How to Separate Pages in PDF

  1. Open the PDF generator and select the document you need to edit in the upload window.
  2. Navigate to the tool panel and find the "Create" option. Among other things, it enables you to conveniently and quickly split PDF pages.
  3. Choose the scissors among the offered tools — they specifically allow you to split PDF pages, providing additional settings.
  4. In the settings window, you need to specify the page range, the names of the new documents that will be created, and the folder where you want to save them on your device. Enter all this information, verify its correctness, and then confidently press "Split PDF".
  5. This method allows you to split PDF into multiple files automatically; they will be saved directly in the designated folder. Go there, open each of the files, and make sure that the entire process went as expected, resulting in two documents in the required format.

3 Benefits of Using Split PDF

Easily Extract Desired Pages

The ability to split PDF into individual pages is extremely helpful when working with important legal documents (codes, laws, explanations), financial documentation, contracts, and technical instructions. It can also be useful in scientific research: PDF Maker enables you to work with research fragments directly related to your work. This makes it easier for you to find the necessary information at any time, without the need to store many PDF files on your device — optimize your time and digital space.

Send Only Required Text

In scientific activities or your work, you might be asked for specific information that you have stored in PDF format. Sending the entire document doesn't make sense. Use PDF split and send only the fragments containing the required data. This speeds up the sending process and allows your recipient to easily locate what they asked for.

Remove Unwanted Information

In contracts, legal documents, and financial reports, confidential information often exists that is not intended for general use. Hide it by using the option to separate PDF files. Share only the pages that are allowed to be shared with your partners or colleagues, thus protecting sensitive data from disclosure.

General Information About PDF  Available Tools

PDFGuru is a comprehensive PDF generator that allows you to split PDF documents and provides access to a wide range of other functions and tools that might be useful in your work. Here, you can make PDFs, edit PDFs in any way, set password protection, and use other tools.

Merge PDF

PDF split online has a counterpart function: merging multiple documents into a single, whole document. When you're preparing reports, research results, materials for a book, or working with numerous bills, statements, and receipts, it's often more convenient to merge them into one file to avoid losing, forgetting, or missing anything.

PDF to Word

Sometimes, you need to first create a PDF but then transform it into a text document. Therefore, the option to convert PDF to Word is also present on the tool panel.

The Best Way to Split a PDF into Multiple Files

There are various circumstances when you need to split PDF into multiple files: distributing tasks among different students, dividing work assignments within your team, and organizing a convenient file storage system based on themes. In any case, you need our PDF maker and a few minutes to separate PDF pages. Follow the next algorithm to successfully handle this task:
Open our PDF generator and load the document.
Click “Page” in the auxiliary menu.
Select the “Split a PDF” option on the tool panel.
Specify the page numbers to be saved in a separate file.
Choose the folder where the new files will be saved.
Confirm the operation.
Check the result: the files should be automatically saved in the folder you specified.

How to Split a PDF in Adobe

Adobe Acrobat was created from the very beginning for efficient PDF work, making it a versatile tool for your needs. It caters to both regular users and professionals, such as preparing print-ready materials. Undoubtedly, it offers more options (but if you don't work with documents regularly, splitting PDF online might be faster and more convenient).
Open Acrobat and upload the file to split (using the “Open” menu or Ctrl+O).
Locate the “Organize Pages” section.
Select the “Split” function from the additional tools in this panel.
Choose the appropriate option: splitting a few pages or separating PDF into multiple individual files.
Specify the folder for storage, page numbers, and splitting method.
Confirm the split by clicking OK – Split.

How to Separate Pages in PDF Mac

The built-in PDF editor on macOS allows you to use it for all the necessary operations with your PDF documents, from splitting PDF for free and merging files to working with various content blocks and even converting images and text documents to PDF and vice versa.
Find the Preview app on your macOS and open the file with a double click.
Choose the view with a miniature page display.
Highlight the thumbnails of the pages you want to separate. The numbers of these pages will be highlighted in blue.
Drag these thumbnails onto your desktop. A new document will be created automatically.

How to Separate PDF Pages Windows

Open the PDF tool you are accustomed to using.
Open a new file in this program.
Follow this algorithm: “Page” – “Split”.
Specify the page numbers you want to separate.
Save the new files in the chosen location, on the Desktop, or select another folder.

The Best Way to Separate Pages in a PDF Using a Browser

You can split PDF pages directly in your browser if it has the necessary options built in. Most modern browsers provide such tools to their users.
Find the “Merge” tool in the Editor.
Add files (any number) to a new document. Remember that you can merge images to a PDF, not just exclusively work with the PDF format.
Click the “Merge” button once again and save the edited document on your device.

If You Want to Separate a Page from a PDF

When you need to save a single page from a PDF file instead of splitting PDF into separate documents, the sequence of steps will be the same as when working with multiple page numbers. Just specify a one-page number or (on macOS) drag a single-page thumbnail to your desktop.

The Best Way to Split a Long PDF into Multiple Pages

So, when you're dealing with a large file and need to save PDF as separate pages, the simplest way to do it is by using a special editor or the online version of the program. Working with large PDF documents is easiest on macOS. If you're using Windows OS, the best way to split up PDF will be as follows:
Open the source document.
Select the “Page” menu – “Split”.
Choose the page numbers you want to save separately.
Select a folder for the new document in the pop-up window.
Rename the new document.
Click OK.
Now, you can use both the original file and the one you just created using the algorithm mentioned above.